One Team, One Spirit, One Club
An individual wishing to become a member of the YCM needs to be introduced by two ‘sponsors’, both must be YCM society members. Any person who has been a society member for more than one year (with the exception of Board Members) may propose one applicant per session.
Twice a year, HSH Prince Albert II, President of the Yacht Club de Monaco, convenes a meeting of the Admissions Committee to examine all applications. New members are officially welcomed to the YCM at a cocktail party attended by members, after which it is customary for the new entrant to celebrate his or her membership at a dinner in the Club’s restaurant.

The Candidate
One of the sponsors must request an application form from the ‘Service Membres’ and go in person to pick it up. The form, having been duly completed and signed by the candidate and the two sponsors, should be accompanied by a letter of introduction from the first sponsor, explaining why the candidate wishes to join. It must be returned to ‘Service Membres’ within six months. After this date, the application will be cancelled.
The Sponsor
The sponsor plays a key role when introducing a new member to the Yacht Club de Monaco. It is their responsibility to ensure that newcomers fully embrace life at the Yacht Club, by introducing them to other members and involving them in events organised by the Club, whether they be of a social, cultural or sporting nature. The sponsor should also be committed to ensuring that the person they propose is encouraged to adopt the YCM’s philosophy and values, by actively participating in the life of the Club and constantly striving to raise the YCM’s standards.
Only one applicant per sponsor (society member) may be proposed and submitted per session for approval to the Admissions Committee which reserves the right to refuse any applicant without notification.